佛手柑精油 (Bergamot) 15ml
清淡花香的氣味讓佛手柑成為最受歡迎的精油之一,在柑橘類的精油中,因舒緩的作用而獨樹一幟。採用冷壓法從佛手柑的果皮上萃取精油,外用後請勿直接曝曬於陽光下。香抹|敏 提醒您:柑橘類精油揮發性較高,建議您儘快使用,勿存放過久。精油精冷壓萃取,若有沉澱屬正常現象,請安心使用。
Bergamot is the most delicate of the citrus plants, requiring special climate and soil in order to thrive. Italians have used Bergamot for years to rejuvenate the skin. In Greece, the unripe fruits are used as sweetmeats, eaten by the spoonful as a dessert or with coffee. Bergamot is unique among citrus oils, and can be used to promote healthy skin.
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